Course curriculum

    1. Important! Please Read Before Starting

    2. What You Will Need

    3. Schedule

    1. Zoom Link

    1. Mantras

    2. Sharing and Intro to Bhakti

    3. Bhakti History

    4. Closing Thoughts

    1. Mantras

    2. What is and Why Isvara?

    3. Characteristics of Isvara and Background on the Gita

    4. Isvara Quiz

    5. Favorite Versions of the Mahabharata

    1. Togetherness Mantra

    2. Durga Mantra

    3. Community Share

    4. Building an Alter

    5. Story Time

    6. Sharing After Storytime

    1. Mantras

    2. Svadharma

    3. Stages of Life

    4. Dharma and Devotion Quiz

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 21 hours of video content

Dive into the medicine of love