Classes & Workshops

    1. About

    1. Grace of the Yoga Sutras

    2. Samadhi Pada: 9 Distractions

    3. Samadhi Pada: 4 Attitudes

    4. Sadhana Pada: Klesha of Ignorance

    5. Kriya Yoga: Tapas

    6. Sadhana Pada: Kriya Yoga Svadyaya and Isvarapranidhana

    7. Klesha's: Egoism, Attachment,Aversion and Fear of Death

    8. Karma Pt 1

    9. Karma Pt 2

    10. Nature of Pain

    11. Fear

    12. Gunas Pt 1

    13. Guna Quiz

    14. Lotus of the Heart

    15. Growing in Discernment

    16. Pratipaksha Bhavanam: Practice for overcoming negativity

    17. Yamas: Ahimsa, Satya, Astaya

    18. Stages of Life: Ashramas and Purusharthas

    19. Aparigraha & Sauca

    20. Sauce Continued and Santosha Contentment

    21. Tapas

    22. Svadyaya & Isvara

    23. Charity Crawford on Isvara

    24. Asana

    25. Pranayama

    26. Pratyahara, Dharana & Dhyana

    27. More on Samadhi and Kaivalya

    28. Intro To Yogic Powers

    29. Yogic Powers pt2

    30. Yogic Powers: The Internal World

    31. Yoga Powers: Powers Through Mastery of Prana

    32. Yogic Powers: Mastery of Prana

    33. Kaivalya: Final Liberation

    1. Happy Hips

    2. Quick Hip Mobility Focus

    3. Heart Opening

    4. Ashtanga: Pasasana

    5. Hips in Formation

    6. Seated and Standing Chair Practice: Heart Opening

    7. L Handstand & Pike Handstand w/ a chair

    8. Ashtanga Standing Series...In a Chair!

    9. Backbends: Using a Chair for Wheel Pose

    10. Ashtanga + Camel Pose

    1. Rest Revolution

    2. Sacred Rest Intro

    3. Sacred Rest w/Watcher Meditation

    4. Sacred Rest: Accepting the Moment

    5. Sacred Rest: Nourishing the Hips

    6. Sacred Rest: Short 30 Minute Hamstrings

    7. Sacred Rest: Inner Beauty

    8. Accessible Ashtanga Pick Up Vinyasa

    1. Side Plank Class

    2. Accessible Sun Salutes

    3. Journey to Dancer

    4. Camel Pose

    5. Hip Mobility

    6. Handstand

    7. Headstand

    8. Strength for Crow Pose

    9. Slow Flow w/ Backbend Focus

    10. Quick Full Body Practice

    11. Quickish Full Body Practice with Mantra and Meditation

    12. Quick Full Body Practice with Pranayama & Meditation

    13. Accessible Handstand

    14. Building Strength for Chaturanga/Accessible Chaturangas

    15. Inner Beauty Flow

    16. Hip Mobility Flow

    17. Ashtanga Pick Up/Vinyasa

    1. Mantra Sadhana

    2. Breaking Down the First Verse of the Ashtanga Opening Mantra

About Sacred Vitality Studio

  • $19.99 / month
  • 71 lessons
  • 50 hours of video content

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